Lifestyle, Writing

10 Questions, 10 Answers

These are the top questions I receive in my DM’s. Don’t see an answer to your question? Send me a message and I can use it for my next “10 Questions” blog post. Enjoy!

ONE: What made you to start writing poems?

I started writing poems as an outlet for my emotions. I had a lot of feelings and I didn’t know what to do with them. They sucked and I wanted them gone. I figured if I wrote them down, it would help me live with them and eventually move on from them.

TWO: Where do you get your inspiration from?

At first, I found inspiration in heartbreak. All of the feelings I felt had words to describe them and I loved putting them together. Today, I’m inspired by the life I’m living. From the love I experience, to my anxiety, to reading messages from my followers who feel broken – I find inspiration in everything, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

THREE: Is your writing based off experience, or imagination? 

Oh man. This is a loaded question! I feel like if I’m answering honestly, it has to be both. Some pieces are inspired based on experiences or memories. While other pieces are more metaphoric or symbolic – perhaps those moments didn’t actually occur, but it’s the best way I can express what I was feeling. Everything I write is inspired or based on real scenarios, people, and experiences. How I write them might not always be exact however.

FOUR: What is your book about?

My book is a collection of poetry, prose, notes, and short stories, written when I was 18/19 years old. It’s really about surviving loss and coming out whole on the other side. People are capable of doing horrible things without any realization of how it can affect someones life. My book is about being broken and the journey it took for me to allow myself to become whole again. Kind of like a self love story if that makes sense. No prince charming, just me and a pen.

FIVE: What’s your favourite poem that you’ve written and why?

OH BOY. Another loaded question! I have so many pieces that I hold so close to my heart, but one does stand out in my mind as being particularly close to my soul. In my book there is a piece titled THE GOOD LIE. I love this piece because the entire process of writing it was so healing for me. I remember finishing it, and feeling like I had finally let go of all of the pain and resentment I carried. To this day, it’s the one piece of mine that reminds me moving on from pain is possible. People do bad things, but it shouldn’t make you a bad person.

SIX: What application do you use for writing your quotes?

I use a software called Bookwrite. (I’ve added the link in there for ya.) Essentially it’s a book writing program that I’ve continued to use after publishing. I simply write my work on a page, go to preview, and grab a screenshot. I’m sure it’s similar to doing the same process in Word or Pages.

SEVEN: How do you know when you’re in love?

You guys are really getting deep with me. Holy moly. I’m not sure I could answer this question, because I feel the experience is different for everyone. Falling in love isn’t a straight line – it’s crooked. There’s no defining factor.
For me, falling in love is looking at him and not being able to hide my smile. It’s wanting nothing more than to lay in complete silence and be totally satisfied with just his company. I think it’s genuinely being at complete ease with another human being – and as a person with anxiety, it’s sometimes hard to feel that way. If he brings me ease, I know I love him. As a side note, I know he loves me when he lets me watch cartoons at 7am on Saturdays, only for me to fall back asleep.

EIGHT: How do you move on from someone?

Again – not a straight line concept. Moving on is a confusing process and it’s different for everyone. However there is some truth to a few points:
One, don’t watch the clock. Moving on takes different amount of time for each person. There is no set date that you need to aim for so let that notion go completely!
Two, focus on you. You are an awesome person…and while I know you’re hurting, you need to remember to take care of yourself. Have a bubble bath. Enjoy the third or fourth piece of pizza. Hit the gym. Sip some sweet wine. Focus on the things that make you happy and you will begin to feel like yourself again.
Three, find an outlet. For me it was writing. For you it could be anything! Playing the piano, painting, jogging, baking, reading, swimming, gardening, volunteering, eating cookies… the possibilities are endless. If you find yourself an outlet you love, soon you’ll be able to see all the possibilities for life beyond your heartbreak.

NINE: Are you a night hawk, or an early riser?

Night hawk for the win.

TEN: When will you write a second book?

I’m already working on pieces for it, and I know it will happen. But I really want to share my first book more before I jump into the second. So much time and love was put into the first one, it’s only fair that it be appreciated and loved as such. When the time is right, I will disappear for four months and write you all a second one… I PROMISE.


Sending my love,

2 thoughts on “10 Questions, 10 Answers

  1. You’re really inspirational, and I love you! I wanted to know if you have anu advice for teenagers out there who have a complicated relationship. I don’t know if it’s love, but ITS a feeling I’m not used to having.

    1. Awh – it sounds like it might be the first feelings of interest in someone. Some people fall in love slowly, others fast. What you’re feeling could be the butterflies… It’s the first sign that you might have feelings for someone. Take things slowly… allow yourself to explore this new feeling, as long as you’re comfortable. Listen to your heart.

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